has been truly embraced in the West over
the last decade. As many of your Los Angeles
neighbors know, quite a few Western doctors
are adding acupuncture theories and techniques
to their practices. Yet, even in Los Angeles,
there are still misunderstandings regarding
what it is, how it works and what it most
successfully treats.
Although it’s possible to learn where
to place needles for rudimentary treatment
of pain, only the Chinese medical training
of licensed acupuncturists and Oriental
Medical Doctors such as Dr.Shengwen Li and
Dr. Shunji Wang in Los Angeles allows for
fully effective, long lasting treatments
of pain, as well as successful resolution
of many other health conditions.
Acupuncture theory looks at the body as
a whole system, not just a collection of
symptoms. The methods of acupuncture aim
to prevent disease from occurring or reoccurring,
as well as the alleviation of symptoms.
The placement of needles, as well as adjustments
to diet and lifestyle, along with herbal
treatments are key elements of its holistic
approach to wellness care.
Because of their extensive training and
experience, Los Angeles practitioners Dr.
Li and Dr. Wang are able to work with any
Western diagnosis and apply acupuncture
methods to resolving it. Some of the many
conditions that can be successfully treated